pp108 : Message Filtering

Message Filtering

This topic describes the concept of message filtering.

Message Filter is about filtering the message map of a process to enable the monitoring only on the filtered attributes that are crucial to the business. Users can select the specific attributes from the Business Process model which needs to be monitored. This feature has the following advantages:

  • Monitoring only the required and specific attributes
  • Restricting unwanted data population from the Business Process layer to BAM layer thus contributing to the database size reduction
  • Enabling the faster processing in the BAM engine with the help of filtered attributes (limited set)

    For example: A Business Process has more than 200 business attributes. But BAM, needs only say 45 attributes. So, as a business user, you can select only the 45 required attributes with the help of Message Filter. This results in database size reduction and faster monitoring process.

Related tasks

Configuring Message Filters
Selecting a Business Process
Selecting Business Process Attributes
Selecting Business Process Events

Related reference

Message Filter Interface